Today's poem is "Aubade"
from Foreign and Domestic
H. Palmer Hall
is the author of five chapbooks of poems and essays: From the Periphery: poems and essays; Deep Thicket and Still Waters; Reflections from Pete’s Pond; To Wake Again; and Reflections on Writing, Publishing and Other Things. His full length collection of essays, Coming to Terms, was published in 2007 by Plain View Press. His work has appeared in the North American Review; The Texas Review; Ascent; Palo Alto Review; Briar Cliff Review; The Texas Observer; RATTLE, WLA: War, Literature & the Arts and other literary magazines, as well as in such anthologies as American Diaspora, In a Fine Frenzy, The Practice of Peace, Letters to J.D. Salinger and Best Texas Writing II. He is the library director at St. Mary’s University in San Antonio, Texas.
Other poems by H. Palmer Hall in Verse Daily:
Books by H. Palmer Hall:
Other poems on the web by H. Palmer Hall:
H. Palmer Hall's Website.
H. Palmer Hall According to Wikipedia.
About Foreign and Domestic:
"How is it, then, amid these vacuous images, that Palmer Hall has managed to create a poetry of beauty and humanity? Perhaps because that is what poets do as they stare fixedly at their subjects, bringing them to that melting point that gives way to meaning."
"The book is also about the vitality of poetry, something many of us who write it now doubt. Hall helps to convince us that we aren’t wasting our lives and that if poetry does indeed 'make nothing happen,' it enriches our perception of those things that do happen and thus helps us live our lives."
Five poems
"A Story about an Old Woman and Poetry"
"The Car Hop at Sonic"
Briar Cliff Review (by Jeanne Emmons)
Valparaiso Poetry Review (by Janet McCann)
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