Today's poem is "Tips for Domestic Travel"
from Tips for Domestic Travel
Hayden Saunier
poetry has appeared in 5 A.M., Mad Poets Review, Margie, Nimrod, Philadelphia Stories and Rattle, among others. She was the winner of the 2005 Robert Fraser Poetry Award and a finalist for the 2007 Liam Rector First Book Prize selected by David Wojahn. An actress and voice-over artist, her film and television credits include The Sixth Sense, Philadelphia Diary and Hack. She is a graduate of the University of Virginia and holds an MFA from the Bennington Writing Seminars. Her collection of poems, Tips For Domestic Travel, was a finalist for the St. Lawrence Book Award and will be published by Black Lawrence Press in Spring, 2009.
Other poems by Hayden Saunier in Verse Daily:
Books by Hayden Saunier:
Other poems on the web by Hayden Saunier:
Hayden Saunier's Website.
About Tips for Domestic Travel:
"In these lucid and intriguing elegies, at the cold heart of calamity, there is a calm. This calm, a kind of wisdom, does not so much console as teach us that in the face of the tragic one cannot help, at least for some time, to remain inconsolable. You will find, in spite of what I have just said, that these poems are funny and humane, sharpened by Saunier's razor-edged wit. She tunes these poems with a keen ear and perfected pitch for the music of the American language. This is a breathtaking and stunning debut."
"Tips for Domestic Travel, Hayden Saunier invites us to live deeply in the moment even as we stand apart from it and puzzle over it. Saunier's poetry does not turn away from the horrors of the world, nor from its joys. Tips for Domestic Travel, like any remarkable book, offers good company for the long distances we must travel. It helps us to face what must be faced."
"Poet Muriel Rukeyser famously wrote `What would happen if one woman told the truth about her life? The world would split open.' Dear Ms. Rukeyser, a luminously lucid female has done just that. In this forthright, slyly inventive collection Hayden Saunier cleaves our world in twain like a grapefruit. Her clear-eyed poems praise what is, has been and will be. They cut to the startling heart of mortality, where loss and delight, humor and dolor are inextricable, where `...destruction beats creation/in a footrace every day.'"
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