Today's poem is "nathaniel mackey"
from B Jenkins
Fred Moten
is Associate Professor of English at Duke University. He is the author of In the Break: The Aesthetics of the Black Radical Tradition and the poetry collections Hughson’s Tavern, Arkansas, and I ran from it and was still in it.
Books by Fred Moten:
Other poems on the web by Fred Moten:
"Rock the Party, Fuck the Smackdown,"
"Njeeri Wa Thiong’o"
About B Jenkins:
"Fred Moten’s newest collection is a roll call, a syllabus, a discography, church. These poems are a family reunion, where relatives from different branches literally make conversation, the hard way, by creating the common language as they go. Listening in is a pleasurable challenge; to paraphrase Coltrane, what I didn’t understand, I felt emotionally. I fell in love with the table of contents and was still giddy at the final words. ‘It’s a little [less] alone.’"
"If the blues is really the poetic spirit of a people, that place deep in the unconscious where emotion, dream, and intellect commingle in flammable combinations, then Fred Moten is one of the greatest bluesmen of our generation. Thank you, B Jenkins, for the fire."
Evie Shockley
Robin D. G. Kelley
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