Today's poem is "Birdhouse"
from Temptation by Water
Diane Lockward is the author of three previous collections, What Feeds Us, which received the 2006 Quentin R. Howard Poetry Prize, Eve's Red Dress, and a chapbook, Against Perfection. Her poems have been featured on Verse Daily and been read by Garrison Keillor on NPR's The Writer's Almanac. Her poems have been published in several anthologies, including Garrison Keillor's Good Poems for Hard Times. Her poems have also appeared in such journals as the Beloit Poetry Journal, Spoon River Poetry Review, the Seattle Review, Harvard Review, and Prairie Schooner. The recipient of a Poetry Fellowship from the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, Lockward has been a featured poet at the Frost Place Conference on Poetry and Teaching, the Burlington Book Festival, and the Geraldine R. Dodge Poetry Festival. Her work has earned awards from North American Review, Louisiana Literature, and the 2008 Best of the Net Anthology. A former high school English teacher, Lockward currently works as a poet-in-the-schools for both the NJ State Council on the Arts and the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation.Other poems by Diane Lockward in Verse Daily:
March 1, 2003: "The Missing Wife" "The wife and the dog planned their escape..."Books by Diane Lockward:
Other poems on the web by Diane Lockward:
"An Average Day for an Average Liar"
Four poems
"Gender Issue"
"My Husband Discovers Poetry"
Five poems
Three poems
"Organic Fruit"
Three poems
"Prunis Persica"
Two poems
"The Missing Wife"
"After the Ice Storm My Son Does Not Come Home"
"The First Artichoke"About Temptation by Water:
"In Temptation by Water, Diane Lockward 'calculates the sum of her griefs' with a vigorous and mature poetic eye. Whether mourning the loss of a lover’s touch or celebrating steam rising from the slit of a baked potato, Lockward embraces life’s luscious, naked flaws and ecstatic turns, surrendering to desire and what’s left in 'the wreckage of absence.'"
—Dorianne Laux
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