Today's poem is "Ice Out"
from On Speaking Terms
Connie Wanek
was born in 1952 in Madison, Wisconsin, and grew up in Las Cruces, New Mexico. In 1989 she moved with her family to Duluth, Minnesota, where she now lives. Her two previous books of poetry are Bonfire (New Rivers Press, 1997) and Hartley Field (Holy Cow! Press, 2002). She served as co-editor of a comprehensive, historical anthology of Minnesota women poets, called To Sing Along the Way (New Rivers Press, 2006). Ted Kooser, Poet Laureate of the United States (2004-2006), named her a Witter Bynner Fellow of the Library of Congress for 2006.
Books by Connie Wanek:
Other poems on the web by Connie Wanek:
"Hartley Field"
"After Us"
Connie Wanek's Website.
Connie Wanek According to Wikipedia.
About On Speaking Terms:
"Connie Wanek has a lot to say. She speaks in a calm, sober voice to those who can hear. Her images are often gorgeous. She uses our and we beautifully, and we do feel that we, the readers, are a part of her family."
"On Speaking Termsincomparably lovely, wholly original and moving poems—opens a door to all of us, onto a magical world we only vaguely sense lies there behind the familiar and ordinary world we see before us every day."
"Wanek is a natural. Her carefully crafted poems have a delicious artlessness about them, even as they take us in and lift our neck hairs with the unexpected aptness of her metaphors."
"Connie Wanek is a poet who reminds me how voice comes from a lifetime commitment to seeing things and believing in them."
Robert Bly
Ted Kooser
Maxine Kumin
Ray Gonzalez
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