Today's poem is "Woodpecker"
from Wild Flight
Christine Rhein
, formerly a mechanical engineer in Detroit’s automotive industry, lives in Brighton, Michigan. Her poems have appeared in The Gettysburg Review, Michigan Quarterly Review, and The Southern Review and have been selected for Best New Poets 2007.
Books by Christine Rhein:
Other poems on the web by Christine Rhein:
Three poems
Christine Rhein's Website.
About Wild Flight:
"Wild Flight introduces us to an important new voice. . . . This is a poetry of the highest imagination, and the most energetic intelligence, written by a poet with a keen eye and a large spirit. Her hard look at this life is made beautiful by her art."
"One of the mysteries of human life is that it is never an individual journey, a truth that Christine Rhein discovers over and over in this remarkable first book. In Wild Flight, she walks us artfully through the histories she comes from and those she is witness to in our time. . . .The personal is political in these large-minded poems, and the political personal."
"Christine Rhein makes a stunning debut in Wild Flight, distinguishing herself immediately with poems of grace and intelligence. . . . Turning her eye toward science, technology, human relationships, love and war, she never merely describes a thing, but persuades us to a point of view that is subtle and sophisticated, sympathetic but challenging, funny and almost warm to the touch with each living moment."
Laura Kasischke
Roger Mitchell
Molly Peacock
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