Today's poem is "Body of the Hour"
from Reliquary Fever
Beckian Fritz Goldberg holds an M.F.A. from Vermont College and is the author of six volumes of poetry. Her work has appeared widely in anthologies and journals including, The American Poetry Review, The Best American Poetry l995, Field, The Gettysburg Review, Harper’s, The Iowa Review, New American Poets of the 90’s and The Massachusetts Review. She has been awarded the Theodore Roethke Poetry Prize, The Gettysburg Review Annual Poetry Award, The University of Akron Press Poetry Prize, the Field Poetry Prize, and a Pushcart Prize. Goldberg is currently Professor of English at Arizona State University.All the poems by Beckian Fritz Goldberg that have appeared on Verse Daily:
July 13, 2005: "Skate" "The bed is a beautiful lie...."Books by Beckian Fritz Goldberg:
Other poems on the web by Beckian Fritz Goldberg:
Three poems
"Boywatching with Lydia"
"Washed in the River"
"My Rain"
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