Today's poem is "Hurricane Season"
from Mortal Geography
Alexandra Teague
has published poems in many periodicals, among them the Iowa Review, Missouri Review, Paris Review, and Slate, as well as Best American Poetry 2009, Best New Poets 2008 and the Yale Anthology of Younger American Poetry. A former Wallace Stegner Fellow at Stanford University, she teaches English at City College of San Francisco and lives in Oakland.
Other poems by Alexandra Teague in Verse Daily:
Books by Alexandra Teague:
Other poems on the web by Alexandra Teague:
Alexandra Teague's Website.
About Mortal Geography:
"There is a haunting narrative purpose to this book, and these poems manage a true power and distinction in realizing it."
"Funky and studied, Alexandra Teague is a formalist with a wild side. Read Mortal Geography line by plumb line, so you can hear it hit with bliss-stoked erudition its every adventure, prayer, address to dead and near, blood-soaked episode from history's hard-written transcripts, and ruined praise: there's a hum, a thunking heartwood, then a quiver. The range is geographical; the depth, sublime."
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