
Today's poem is "Winter's Tale"
from Out of Silence

David Robert Books

Pamela Harrison is a graduate of Smith College and the Vermont College MFA Program in Writing, she won the PEN Northern New England Discovery Poet Award in 2002. Her first book, Stereopticon, was published by David Robert Books in 2004. A subsequent book, Okie Chronicles, was published by David Robert Books in 2005. Ms. Harrison lives with her husband in Vermont.

Other poems by Pamela Harrison in Verse Daily:
July 25, 2004:  "Came the Rain" "Two pigeons flew beneath the bridge..."
June 15, 2003:  "Legacy" "I lug the trunk with me everywhere..."

Books by Pamela Harrison:

Other poems on the web by Pamela Harrison:
Four poems
Four poems
Four poems
Five poems

Pamela Harrison's Website.

About Out of Silence:

"Half a century ago, with Life Studies, Robert Lowell offered American poetry a whole new climate of thought, a means to write about self, family history, and especially about the deaths of parents, that still sets an immensely high standard. In Out of Silence, Pamela Harrison tries with a keen ear and equally keen self-appraisal to meet that standard. Hers is an elegiac poetry of depth and heartbreak, of the struggle to, as one of her poems puts it, ‘[hear] again the world's pulse freed from loss.’ This is work that arises from necessity."
—David Wojahn

"A young man pays for medical school by scrubbing toilets in buildings his father owned before losing everything in the Depression. A young woman from the plains studies nursing and yearns for a life of beauty and texture. What results when they meet is a love that is adventurous, prideful, destructive, and abiding. In her new collection, Out of Silence, Pamela Harrison goes down into the darkness of her parents’ love story and returns, not with a child’s pity or blame, but with poems that are frank, compassionate, tender and shocking. How rare and how moving to encounter Harrison’s clarity, acceptance and resolution. She’s the real thing."
—Barbara Dimmick

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