Today's poem is "Leaves/Tongues"
from Bling & Fringe
Molly Bendall
is the author of three collections of poetry, After Estrangement (Peregrine Smith, 1992), Dark Summer (Miami University Press, 1999, and Ariadne's Island (Miami University Press, 2001). Her new collection Under the Quick is forthcoming from Parlor Press, 2009. She teaches at the University of Southern California.
Gail Wronsky is the author of Poems for Infidels (Red Hen Press); Dying for Beauty (Copper Canyon), a finalist for the Western Arts Federation Poetry Award; The Love-talkers (Hollyridge Press); Again the Gemini are in the Orchard (New Poets Series); and Dogland (Alderman Press, University of Virginia). Her translation of Alicia Partnoy's poems Volando Bajito has been published by Red Hen, and she is the coauthor with Molly Bendall of two books of "cowgirl" poetry. She is is Director of Creative Writing and Syntext at Loyola Marymount University.
Other poems by Molly Bendall in Verse Daily:
Other poems by Gail Wronsky in Verse Daily:
Books by Molly Bendall:
Books by Gail Wronsky:
Other poems on the web by Molly Bendall:
Other poems on the web by Gail Wronsky:
Gail Wronsky's Website.
About Bling & Fringe:
"In these intensely female, lively luscious songs it's Colette meets Beyonce meets Lil Mama meets Cixous and in comes Kristeva meets Molly Bendall meets Gail Wronsky, and therefore streams continual surpriseeros kisses big bad boogie man theory and 'word as noose' slang jumpstarts high-flown lingo and it's all so playful and yet deadly serioushow these poems issue from one urgent, collective, Medusa-like mouth, one it's high time is heard."
"Dressed up, sequined sequence of syllables and words working the poem's runway, Molly Bendall and Gail Wronsky's poems give us alluring I-candy, word-assemblages beckoning for some time with our eyes and ears. Poems dressed up to a-muse. Parts and pieces on display, accessorizing and exposing the poem's attractions. Name-dropping; mixing and matching; reading is touching."
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