Today's poem is
from 5AM
Lesley Wheeler
's books include Heathen (forthcoming from C&R Press) and Voicing American Poetry (Cornell University Press). Her poems appear in Poetry, AGNI, and Witness. She is a professor of English at Washington and Lee University.
Other poems by Lesley Wheeler in Verse Daily:
Books by Lesley Wheeler:
Other poems on the web by Lesley Wheeler:
About 5AM:
June 30, 2009: "Inland Song" "In some kind houses the doors..."
November 14, 2007: "Lazy Eye" " The stranger unplugs her bogus teeth..."
"Dressing Down, 1962"
Three poems
"From the Calderstones"
"Learning to be a Submariner"
"Hamlet Undertakes a Course of Zoloft"
Three poems
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5 AM * BOX 205 * SPRING CHURCH, PA 15686
Editors: Ed Ochester & Judith Vollmer
August 19, 2007: "Living with Poets" by Chris Green
August 18, 2007: "Perfection Letter (viii)" by Patty Seyburn
August 17, 2007: "Bless Their Hearts" by Kelli Russell Agodon
December 1, 2006: "Daisies" by Louis McKee
July 9, 2006: "Last Days of the Surreal" by Elton Glaser
July 7, 2006: "Little Gossip" by Sonja James
July 6, 2006: "Rock Singer Dies Onstage After Acrobatic Leap Gone Wrong" by Christine DeSimone
July 4, 2006: "Niños Encuerados II" by Jamie Ross
February 10, 2006: "For My First Wife, While Married to My Second" by Christopher Goodrich
June 25, 2005: "I wanted to be sure to reach you" by Jean Valentine
June 24, 2005: "When the River Comes Toward Me" Nance Van Winckel
November 11, 2004: "Niagara Falls Jumper Explains" by Karla M. Huston
July 3, 2004: "Bottle Gentian" by Kasey Jueds
June 21, 2004: "Intertextuality" by Tami Haaland
March 6, 2004: "Bone Poem" by Heather Davis
February 18, 2004: "Monsoon" by Mike Dockins
June 9, 2003: "In Gwendolyn Brooks' Head" by Yona Harvey
December 24, 2002: "By their works" by Bob Hicok
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