Today's poem is
"Bottomlands Tongue"
from Plain Spoke
Doug Ramspeck
's poetry collection, Black Tupelo Country, was awarded the 2007 John Ciardi Prize for Poetry and was published in 2008 by BkMk. His poems have appeared in West Branch, Rattle, Confrontation Magazine, Connecticut Review, Nimrod, Hunger Mountain,, and Hayden's Ferry. He directs the Writing Center and teaches creative writing and composition at The Ohio State University at Lima.
Other poems by Doug Ramspeck in Verse Daily:
Books by Doug Ramspeck:
Other poems on the web by Doug Ramspeck:
About Plain Spoke:
July 16, 2009: "Mermaid in my Fish Bowl" "I would say she was no larger..."
January 17, 2009: "Possum Nocturne" "The boy found a possum skull..."
May 17, 2008: "Late Husband" "In her dreams, then, she imagined him as feverish...."
"Love Theory"
Three poems
Four poems
"Smoke and Ash"
Two poems
"Ritual Cloud Line"
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Other poems by Plain Spoke in Verse Daily:
July 16, 2009: "Mermaid in my Fish Bowl" by Doug Ramspeck
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