Today's poem is
"The Terrible Poem"
from Conduit
Dara Wier is the author of numerous collections of poetry, most recently Remnants of Hannah (Wave Books, 2006) and Reverse Rapture (Verse Press, 2005). She is the recipient of numerous fellowships and awards, including from the Guggenheim Foundation and the NEA. She lives in Massachusetts, where she teaches and directs the MFA writing program at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.All the poems by Dara Wier that have appeared on Verse Daily:
October 3, 2006: "The Italics Are Mine!" " There was breathing but there were no bodies..."
April 9, 2005: "spur reverie" ""(in this phase) (we traveled) (in the dark)..."Books by Dara Wier:
Other poems on the web by Dara Wier:
Three poems
"Blue Oxen"
"Salmagundi Algorithm"
Five poems
Eight poems
Three poems
"Peach Farm"
Two poems
"Without You"
"Separate Worlds"Dara Wier according to Wikipedia.
About Conduit:
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $18
Conduit * 510 8th Avenue Northeast * Minneapolis, Minnesota 55413
Editor: William D. Waltz
Other poems by Conduit in Verse Daily:
May 28, 2009: "The Match" by Carley Moore
May 26, 2009: "asunder" by Craig Arnold
May 25, 2009: "Moving day" by Bob Hicok
May 25, 2008: "The Party by the Lake" by Kevin Prufer
May 22, 2008: "[I Saw My Face on the Dull Head]" by Adam Clay
May 19, 2008: "Saint of Perpetual Sorrow" by James Meetze
April 27, 2008: "The Cetacean Society" by Noelle Kocot
April 26, 2008: "Kingdom Come At Once" by Travis Brown
April 25, 2008: "Baby Epic" by Tanya Larkin
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