Today's poem is
"Beat the Ranger"
from Bat City Review
Christopher DeWeese
currently teaches creative writing at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. His poems have appeared or are forthcoming in NINTH LETTER, The Hat, Mrs. Maybe, Parthenon West, and Typo.
Other poems on the web by Christopher DeWeese:
"Poem for Secretary's Day"
from The Orienteer
Two poems
Four poems
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Copyright © 2002-2009 Verse Daily
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Bat City Review: Subscriptions * Department of English * The University of Texas at Austin * 1 University Station B5000 * Austin, TX 78712
Poetry Editor: S.E. Smith
October 18, 2009: "The Multiple States of Matter" by Jenny Browne
October 15, 2009: "From As Complete As a Thought Can Be" by Adam Clay
October 12, 2009: "A Cast of a Smokestack" by Adam Atkinson
June 7, 2007: "Fugue" by Jibade-Khalil Huffman
June 4, 2007: "Fugue" by Thomas Kane
May 24, 2006: "Lovetown" by Bryan Penberthy
May 18, 2006: "Funeral, Mineral, Vegetable" by Jibade-Khalil Huffman
May 15, 2006: "Starling" by Dorianne Laux
September 15, 2005: "Addendum" by Andrew Osborn
September 14, 2005: "Loosely Related Sheep"" Larissa Szporluk
September 12, 2005: "Smatches"" Bill Knott
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