
Today's poem is "Vase with Autumn Asters"
from Van Gogh in Poems

The Bitter Oleander Press

Carol Dine is the author of two books of poetry and a memoir, Places in the Bone (Rutgers University Press, 2005). Her work is widely published in literary magazines, including Blue Mesa Review, Boulevard, and Salamander. She received the 2001 Frances Locke Memorial Poetry Award from the Bitter Oleander Press and the Sword of Hope Award for writing from the American Cancer Society. Her essay entitled Layers, a reflection on art and September 11th, appears in the anthology To Mend the World (White Pine Press, 2002). Dine has been poet-in-residence at the MacDowell Colony, Yaddo, Ragdale, and the Wurlitzer Foundation. She teaches creative writing and writing on art at Suffolk University and lives in Boston, MA.

Books by Carol Dine:

Other poems on the web by Carol Dine:
Three poems

About Van Gogh in Poems:

"At least three big films have been made about the life of Vincent van Gogh. This book of sparse poems is, however, the best film so far made about him. The words seem to have been written with the same pen as he used to make the drawings and sketches chosen for the book. Carol Dine's observation of the drawings equals his observation of what he was drawing. Her words are strung on his life-line."
—John Berge

"The fact that his drawings have inspired another artist Carol Dine, to write poems would have moved Van Gogh. In the 1870's and 1880's, especially before he decided to become an artist, Van Gogh was very interested in poetry. He often mentions poets in his letters, quoting them and copying them into poetry albums he would make for others. There is little evidence Van Gogh wrote any poetry himself. Would he have liked these poems written in his voice? We will never know, yet what matters is that they are like Vincent's art: genuine and strong."
—Marije Vellekoop

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