Today's poem is
from Green Mountains Review
Anna Lowe, originally from Louisiana, currently lives and teaches in Indiana. Her work appears or is forthcoming in Black Warrior Review, Cimarron Review, and Iowa Review.About Green Mountains Review:
Subscription: 1 year, $15
Green Mountains Review *
337 College Hill *
Johnson State College *
Johnson, Vermont 05656
Editor: Neil Shepard
Other poems from Green Mountains Review in Verse Daily:
June 12, 2008: "The Rescue" by Wayne Miller
December 2, 2007: "Flying Over America" by J.P. White
December 1, 2007: "Visit" by David Huddle
November 30, 2007: "Inquiry #3" by Susan Rich
November 28, 2007: "History" by Betsy Sholl
February 2, 2007: "In Retirement" by Ronald Wallace
January 31, 2007: "Travel" by Kevin Pilkington
January 29, 2007: "Lost Tense" by Stephen Malin
February 25, 2006: "Brackets Make a Racket" by Maurya Simon
February 24, 2006: "The Garden of Languages" by Jeanne Larsen
July 24, 2005: "Driving Home, I see a Rothko Painting in the Distance and Pull Over to Give It a Lift" by Jason Koo
July 21, 2005: "Eddy" Carol Frost
July 18, 2005: "A Little Flying Over Americaing Music" Betsy Sholl
March 17, 2005: "From the Road" by Eamon Grennan
March 16, 2005: "The Sound of a Train" by Kathleen Flenniken
June 25, 2004: "Dispersal" by Katherine Soniat
June 16, 2004: "Codeine" by Christof Scheele
January 19, 2004: "Kind of Blue" by Angie Estes
October 24, 2003: "Mute Swan" by Louise Mathias
June 13, 2003: "Driving Through the Valley" by Lynne Knight
June 11, 2003: "Journey to the East" by Baron Wormser
March 17, 2003: "Adolescence" by Gabriel Gudding
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