Today's poem is
"The Cow"
Adam Day
was bornd and raised in Louisville, Kentucky, and earned his MFA at New York University. He helps coordinate the Sarabande Reading Series and the Baltic Writing Residency in Latvia. He won the 2008 Phyllis Smart Young Prize in Poetry, and was a finalist for the 2005 and 2007 "Discovery/The Nation contest, and for Colgate University's 2007 and 2008 Olive B. O'Connor Fellowship. Most recently his work has appeared, or is forthcoming, in Gulf Coast, Kenyon Review, American Poetry Review, Antioch Review, and elsewhere.
Other poems on the web by Adam Day:
"The Gods Describe Building Bodies, like Badger’s"
Two poems
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MARGIE * POB 250 * Chesterfield, MO. 63006-0250
Editor: Robert Nazarene
Other poems by MARGIE in Verse Daily:
March 26, 2009: "In The Woods" by James Doyle
March 24, 2009: "confessions of a teenage drama queen " by D. A. Powell
January 26, 2008: "Tattooed" by Ronald Wallace
January 24, 2008: "Being a Model" by David Wagoner
January 22, 2008: "The Woman Who Is Early" by Nin Andrews
February 1, 2006: "Judges" by Larissa Szporluk
October 31, 2004: "Apeland" by Matthew Ladd
October 30, 2004: "Madness in the Form of Birds" by George Looney
October 29, 2004: "Not Even Doublewide" by A. Loudermilk
October 26, 2004: "The Waiting" by Stephen Dunn
December 15, 2003: "Soldiering" by Daniel J. Langton
November 26, 2003: from "The Startled Heart" by Eve Joseph
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