
Today's poem is by Pablo Neruda, translated by William O'Daly

Star in Daylight

O sun full of fingernails,
animal of gold, bumblebee,
sheepdog of the world,
our going astray,
we have arrived, we return,
we are already waiting
all together
in the corral of day.

Say we disobeyed that night,
say we left it to the sleep of the moon
to solve the mourning and the planets,
say we withdraw into ourselves,
into our own skin hungry
for love and a meal,
we again are
in the sheepfold,
your long spatulas of light,
your fingers that reach into everything,
your cohabitation of seeds.

Soon everyone set about moving,
hurrying. Citizen,
the day is short and there the sun is like a bull
kicking in the sand:
hurry in search of your shovel,
your lever,
your kneading trough,
your thermometer,
your whistle, your paintbrush or your scissors,
your plaster,
your freight elevator, your political bureau,
your potatoes at the market:
hurry, Ma'am, hurry
over here, this way, put your hands to good use,
we are running out of daylight.

The sun, with stakes, pierced joy,
hope, suffering,
it traveled from one side to the other with its rays
parceling out, attributing lands,
and everyone has to sweat
before it leaves
with its light for somewhere else
to begin and begin again,
while those on this side remained
motionless, sleeping
until Monday morning.

Copyright © 2008 William O'Daly All rights reserved
from The Hands of Day
Copper Canyon Press
Reprinted by Verse Daily® with permission

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