Today's poem is
"The End"
from Gulf Coast
Victoria Chang's poems have appeared in Cimarron Review, Indiana Review, Red Rock Review, and others. Her chapbook, Faith, is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press. She lives in San Francisco, where she is writing a memoir.Other poems by Victoria Chang in Verse Daily:
April 28, 2006: "The Professor's Lover" " Dogs barking, wind blowing, how I never get..."
January 18, 2005: "To Want" "To wait is to want more...."Books by Victoria Chang: Salvinia Molesta, Circle, Asian American Poetry: The Next Generation
Other poems on the web by Victoria Chang:
"Seven Reasons for Divorce"
"The Guests"
Three poems
"Edward Hopper Study: Hotel Room"
"Love Poem as Eye Examination"About Gulf Coast:
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $16
Gulf Coast: A Journal of Literature and Fine Art *
Department of English *
University of Houston *
Houston, TX 77204-3013
Poetry Editors: Paul Otremba, Brian Russell and Kent Shaw
Other poems by Gulf Coast in Verse Daily:
June 14, 2008: "Morality" by Susie Meserve
June 10, 2008: "First Date, and Still Very, Very Lonely" by Brenda Shaughnessy
March 10, 2008: "Reclamation" by Bob Hicok
March 9, 2008: "Parable of a Blade of Grass" by Roger Reeves
April 18, 2005: "Sonnet" by Karen Volkman
April 4, 2005: "Figures We're Meant to Believe In" by George Looney
March 14, 2005: "The Museum of Being Born" by Jennifer Militello
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