Today's poem is
"Coal Seam Fire"
from The Bitter Oleander
Steven D. Schroeder
has work included or forthcoming in Verse, Pleiades, The National Poetry Review, Laurel Review, Sentence: A Journal of Prose Poetics, and Verse Daily.
Other poems by Steven D. Schroeder in Verse Daily:
Other poems on the web by Steven D. Schroeder:
About The Bitter Oleander:
September 1, 2006: "Clockwork" " In the 27 seconds..."
Two poems
Two poems
"To a Sentinel Marmot"
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Copyright © 2002-2008 Verse Daily
All Rights Reserved
The Bitter Oleander * The Bitter Oleander Press * 4983 Tall Oaks Drive * Fayetteville, New York 13066-9776
Editor: Paul B. Roth
Other poems by The Bitter Oleander in Verse Daily:
April 19, 2008: "Coal Seam Fire" by Robert Pesich
December 22, 2007: "Tissue Culture" by Robert Pesich
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