Today's poem is "The Heart That Lies Outside the Body"
from The Heart That Lies Outside the Body
Stephanie Lenox
is the Promotions Director for A. C. Gilbert's Discovery Village, a children's museum in Salem, Oregon, and is also co-editor of Blood Orange Review. She received an MFA in Creative Writing (Poetry) from the University of Idaho. Her poetry has appeared in Best New Poets 2006, AGNI, Crab Orchard Review, and Seattle Review, among others. She received a 2007 Artist Grant from the Arizona Commission on the Arts and has been nominated four times for a Pushcart Prize.
Books by Stephanie Lenox: The Heart That Lies Outside the Body
Other poems on the web by Stephanie Lenox:
"After Uncle Fred Nearly Dies, We Send the Tape to America's Funniest Home Videos"
"Rejoice in the Petty Thievery of Office Supplies"
Stephanie Lenox's Home Page.
About The Heart That Lies Outside the Body:
"Stephanie Lenox's The Heart That Lies Outside the Body mines the Guinness World Records to take metaphor to a sublime extreme. Her chapbook, peopled with its 'federation of freaks,' is euphoric, generous, gracefully obsessive. There is intense personal depth in all of these poems, which are intimate, skillful, shimmering with complexity and awe."
"In the margins of our culturethe places where those who seek fame collide with those born into itLenox's poems locate what is common among those who are unique. Their voices and the voices of those who knew them populate this small curio, each one offering a lesson, a reminder, of what it means to live outside the lines."
Denise Duhamel
Charles Jensen
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