Today's poem is "A Holiday"
from A Witch's Dictionary
Sarah Kennedy
is the author of four books of poems and co-editor of an anthology of Virginia poets. She is a contributing editor for Shenandoah and West Branch and regularly writes reviews and critical essays on modern and contemporary poetry. She is associate professor of English at Mary Baldwin College in Stanton, VA.
Other poems by Sarah Kennedy in Verse Daily:
Books by Sarah Kennedy:
A Witch's Dictionary
Other poems on the web by Sarah Kennedy:
About A Witch's Dictionary:
"This Sarah Kennedy is one cool customer, thumbscrewing her horrors down in tight blank verse. When shall we three meet again? Why now, Little Thumbkin, now What difference the century? Read the papers. There's plenty of excuses for torture left. Pointy hats and flying brooms are the tip of an old story we've not reached the end of.
"A Witch's Dictionary is one of the most unsettling, timely, and technically marvelous new books I've read in a long, long time. Sarah Kennedy is unafraid to tackle the enormous crises of our timewar, terror, official lies--and she does so with skill, macabre wit, energy and, most of all, complexity. Sarah Kennedy has always been a poet of great skill and subtlety. This is her best book yet."
July 7, 2005: "Revelation: 1373" "Perhaps it was sudden, the Death..."
February 9, 2004: "Deer" "Halfway across the empty interstate, I stopped..."
Consider the Lilies
Common Wealth: Contemporary Poets of Virginia
Double Exposure
Flow Blue
"The Will of Mary Carryll: 1809"
"The Visions of Bertie Hoskins"
"Morning, With Tea"
A great (and instructive) read!"
Alice Friman
Kevin Prufer
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