Today's poem is
"The Sand Speaks"
from Cave Wall
Sandra Beasley
's Theories of Falling won the 2007 New Issues Poetry Prize. Her poems appear in 32 Poems, Blackbird, New Orleans Review, Agni Online, Verse Daily, Best New Poets and elsewhere. Her awards include fellowships to Vermont Studio Center, Virginia Center for Creative Arts, and the Millay Colony. She lives in Washington, D.C., where she serves on the editorial staff of The American Scholar.
Other poems by Sandra Beasley in Verse Daily:
May 16, 2008: "Theories of Falling" "After years of research, I can only guarantee..."
February 23, 2008: "Proposal" "Show me a tent of well-dressed witnesses..."
July 16, 2007: "Poem for the New Year" " So far it's suspiciously similar..."
July 9, 2005: "Sestina Inviting My Sister to Become a Pirate" "We wake to breakfast in a burning house..."
September 3, 2002: "Echo and Narcissus" "Poor love-struck Echo, stuck with repeating..."
Books by Sandra Beasley:
Theories of Falling
Other poems on the web by Sandra Beasley:
"Another Failed Poem about the Greeks"
"The World War Speaks"
"Parlor Games"
"The Plays of Lilliput"
Three poems
Two poems
Five poems
Three poems
"Making the Crane"
Sandra Beasley's Home Page.
Sandra Beasley's Blog.
About Cave Wall:
Poets in this issue: William Wenthe, Carrie Fountain, Cj Sage, Sebastian Matthews, Al Maginnes, Norbert Hirschhorn, Emma Bolden, Sandra Beasley, Diana Pinckney, Elizabeth Volpe, Rebecca Mcclanahan, Sharon Kessler, Hailey Leithauser, Richard Jackson, Terri Wolfe, Rebecca Warren, Michael Steffen, Kate Fetherston
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $10
Other poems from Cave Wall in Verse Daily:
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Copyright © 2002-2008 Verse Daily
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Cave Wall Press, LLC *
P.O. Box 29546 *
Greensboro, NC 27429-9546
Editor: Rhett Iseman
August 30, 2007: "Reciprocity" by Carl Phillips
August 27, 2007: "The Very Old Man" by Patrick Phillips
February 18, 2007: "After the Affair" by Claudia Emerson
February 15, 2007: "Surprising the Gods" by Dan Albergotti
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