Today's poem is
from Margie
Ronald Wallace
's most recent books are Long For This World: New & Selected Poems (University of Pittsburg Press) and Now You See It (Parallel Press). He continues to co-direct the creative writing program at Wisconsin, and serve as poetry editor for the University of Wisconsin Press.
All the poems by Ronald Wallace that have appeared on Verse Daily:
February 2, 2007: "In Retirement" " He said he would do nothing...."
May 19, 2006: "Trouble" " How we think we abhor it..."
March 26, 2003: "Totaled" "The day was totaled. Its hood and fenders bent..."
March 12, 2003: "In the Virgin Islands" "Sunset: a smattering of rain..."
Books by Ronald Wallace:
Long For This World,
The Uses of Adversity
Time's Fancy
The Makings of Happiness
Vital Signs
People and Dog in the Sun
The owl in the kitchen
God Be With the Clown
Tunes for Bears to Dance to
Plums, Stones, Kisses and Hooks
Other poems on the web by Ronald Wallace:
"The Student Theme"
Two poems
Three poems
from "Literature in the 21st Century"
Two poems
"Grandmother Grace"
Ronald Wallace's Home Page.
About Margie:
Subscription: 1 year (1 issue), $13.95
Other poems from The American Poetry Journal in Verse Daily:
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Copyright © 2002-2008 Verse Daily
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Margie * PO Box 250 * Chesterfield, MO. 63006-0250
Editor: Robert Nazarene
January 24, 2008: "Being a Model" by David Wagoner
January 22, 2008: "The Woman Who Is Early" by Nin Andrews
February 1, 2006: "Judges" by Larissa Szporluk
October 31, 2004: "Apeland" by Matthew Ladd
October 30, 2004: "Madness in the Form of Birds" by George Looney
October 29, 2004: "Not Even Doublewide" by A. Loudermilk
October 26, 2004: "The Waiting" by Stephen Dunn
December 15, 2003: "Soldiering" by Daniel J. Langton
November 26, 2003: from "The Startled Heart" by Eve Joseph
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