Today's poem is
"On Betrayal"
from Poetry London
Phillis Levin
’s awards in the US include the Norma Farber First Book Award, a Fulbright Fellowship, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and a Literature Fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts. Her fourth collection, May Day, will be published by Penguin in 2008.
All the poems by Phillis Levin that have appeared on Verse Daily:
Books by Phillis Levin:
May Day
Other poems on the web by Phillis Levin:
About Poetry London:
October 7, 2006: "Conversation Between Clouds" " It's different every time, but there was one..."
October 13, 2005: "Always The Same Face" " Full moon. Harvest moon. Late September...."
The Penguin Book of the Sonnet
The Afterimage
Temples and Fields
"End of April"
Three poems
"On Time"
Two poems
"A Rhinoceros at the Prague Zoo"
Poets in this issue: Phillis Levin, Sarah Hannah, Colette Bryce, Todd Hearon, Susan Wicks, Eva Salzman, Philip Gross, Jane Duran, Padraig Rooney, Stephen Sandy, Tony Williams, Lydia Macpherson, Charles Bennett, Kathryn Simmonds, John Goodby, Moniza Alvi, Jo Shapcott, Christine Webb, Mick Wood, Caroline Bird
Subscription: 1yr (3 issues) £21.50
Other poems from Poetry London in Verse Daily:
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Poetry London * 1A Jewel Road * LONDON E17 4QU * UK
Poetry Editor: Maurice Riordan
July 15, 2007: "Trial Marriage" by D Nurkse
December 27, 2006: "Medium as Meteorologist" by Heather McHugh
September 25, 2006: "Cat Nap" by Asa Boxer
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