Today's poem is "Sky Harbor"
from The Insomniac Liar of Topo
Norman Dubie
was born in Barre, Vermont, in April 1945. His poems have appeared in many magazines, including American Poetry Review, Antaeus, The Paris Review, The New Yorker, Poetry, TriQuarterly, and Field. He has won the Bess Hokin Award of the Modern Poetry Association and fellowships from the Ingram Merrill Foundation, the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Arts. Mr. Dubie won the PEN USA prize for best poetry collection in 2001. He has recently published a book-length futurist work, The Spirit Tablets at Goa Lake, with Blackbird, the online magazine of The New Virginia Review. He lives in Tempe, Arizona, with the cat Fast-Eddy-Smoky-Chokyi-Lodrö, and teaches at Arizona State University.
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For a Selection of Books by Norman Dubie click here
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Norman Dubie according to Wikipedia.
About The Insomniac Liar of Topo:
"Dubie has already been recognized as one of the most powerful and influential American poets... his poems have always been generous and inclusive, capable of containing multiple and conflicting worlds—of memory and the present, of the artistic and the daily."
"Dubie has a singular talent for inhabiting a persona and making convincing representations of another person's life, taking on a different view and experience of the world... It is the tenderness of his identifications that makes Dubie's work extraordinary."
October 27, 2004: "Riddle" "The snow lifts into the beards of sycamores...."
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