Today's poem is
"Word for Word"
from Floating Bridge Review
Nance Van Winckel
has poems out or forthcoming in American Poetry Review, Kenyon Review, Field, Poetry, Massachusetts Review, Crazyhorse, Jubilat, West Branch, Gettysburg Review, Gulf Coast, and Seneca Review. Her fourth collection of poems, Beside Ourselves, appeared in 2003 with Miami University Press, and a new book, No Starling, is just out from University of Washington Press. A third collection of short stories, Curtain Creek Farm, appeared in 2001. She has received two NEA Fellowships in poetry, and teaches in the MFA programs at Eastern Washington University and Vermont College.
All the poems by Nance Van Winckel that have appeared on Verse Daily:
July 17, 2008: "Almost Impervious" "From across the river a last dream..."
April 23, 2008: "Knowing No Better" "In the course of one night..."
June 12, 2007: "Eat This" " Target cake with a bull's-eye looming...."
February 19, 2007: "Sky One" "In an early sky, the molecules of my wings..."
December 28, 2006: "The Object of the Object" " : to bound, or be..."
November 6, 2006: "The Forgiveness Channel" " Is your shadow bird over..."
December 20, 2005: "And the Wound Says" " Step into the river and let the ripples cool us...."
June 24, 2005: "When the River Comes Toward Me" "it comes with whatever it's..."
January 12, 2005: "Awaiting the Return Ferry" "Ghostly, echoes of old guffaws from a crowd..."
July 13, 2004: "Simone Weil at the Renault Factory (1935)" "A thread in a line of threads, she stands..."
January 9, 2004: "Let me Remind You You Are Still Under Oath" "Out of marsh out of the bronchial..."
February 3, 2003: "Passing Through the Shadows Of Great Buildings" "The beggar in plaid blankets wanted to kiss my hand..."
January 15, 2003: "Cautionary Tale" "The funny bearded goat..."
January 6, 2003: "Bid Me Be the Bird" "May the lower, liquid half of the world..."
Books by Nance Van Winckel:
No Starling,
Beside Ourselves
After the Spell
The 24 doors: Advent calendar poems
The Dirt
Curtain Creek Farm
Limited Lifetime Warranty
Other poems on the web by Nance Van Winckel:
"Waking, Working"
Seven poems
"Verlaine Still in Prison"
"Jonah, Going the Opposite Way"
"The Company We Keep"
"Nicholas by the River"
"Insemination Tango"
Nance Van Winckel's Home Page.
About Floating Bridge Review:
Poets in this issue: Melvin Adams, Jane Alynn, Elizabeth Austen, Lana Hechtman Ayers, Allen Braden, Sarah Conover, Larry Crist, Jeff Encke, Roberta Feins, Joan Fiset, Patrick Forgette, John Glowney, Norman Goodwin, Mark Halperin, Alicia Hokanson, Jourdan Keith, Timothy Kelly, Susan Landgraf, Marjorie Manwaring, Carlos Martinez, Arlene Naganawa, Nancy Pagh, Joseph Powell, Steve Quig, Andrew Michael Roberts, Rachel Robertshaw, Raul Sanchez, Derek Sheffield, Joannie Kervran Stangeland, Joan Swift, Molly Tenenbaum, Holly Thomas, Dorothy Trogdon, Nance Van Winckel, Cody Walker, Michael Dylan Welch, Katharine Whitcomb
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Copyright © 2002-2008 Verse Daily
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Floating Bridge Press * Floating Bridge Press * P.O. Box 18814 * Seattle, WA 98118
Editor: Kathleen Flenniken
Other poems by Floating Bridge Review in Verse Daily:
September 1, 2008: "Airplanes" by Katharine Whitcomb
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