Today's poem is
from Southern Poetry Review
Michael Chitwood
. Chapel Hill, NC. Forthcoming book of poetry: Spill (Tupelo Press, 2007). Most recent: From Whence (Louisiana State UP, 2007).
Other poems by Michael Chitwood in Verse Daily:
Other poems on the web by Michael Chitwood:
About Southern Poetry Review:
December 16, 2007: "Blue Sky" "Everyone he knew believed in God...."
February 20, 2007: "The Deer" "I am being prayed for...."
From Whence
Gospel Road Going
The Weave Room
Hitting Below the Bible Belt: Baptist Voodoo, Blood Kin, Grandma's Teeth and Other Stories from the South
Salt Works
Two poems
Three poems
Two poems
"The Snowfields at Lone Fountain"
"Duty and History"
Four poems
"The Small-Town Voice of God"
Poets in this issue: Lavonne Adams, John Bargowski, Fleda Brown, Debra Bruce, Beverly Burch, Kevin Cantwell, Isaac Cates, Richard Cecil, Michael Chitwood, Bill Bhristophersen, Todd Christopher Cincala, Ted Cornwell, Brett DeFries, James Doyle, Rebecca Dunham, Linda Elkin, William Greenway, Bill Griffin, Barbara Hamby, Holly Karapetkova, Joseph Landi, Jennifer Maier, Adrianne Marcus, Michael McFee, Barbara J. McGrath, Lee Rossi, Kate Schmitt, James Scruton, Vivian Shipley, Marcus Smith, R. T. Smith, Liamme Spidel, Rob Talbert, Justin Vicari, Sidney Wade, David Wagoner, Steven Winn, Joseph Zaccardi
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $12
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Copyright © 2002-2008 Verse Daily
All Rights Reserved
Southern Poetry Review *
Dept. of Languages, Literature and Philosophy *
Armstrong Atlantic State University *
11935 Abercorn Street *
Savannah, Georgia 31419-1997
Editor: Robert Parham
Other poems by Southern Poetry Review in Verse Daily:
October 30, 2006: "Revival" by Jeannette Barnes
October 25, 2006: "Trillium" by Fleda Brown
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