Today's poem is
"Fold, Fold"
from Iron Horse Literary Review
Mary Crow
has recently published poems in Prairie Schooner, Verse, The Dos Passos Review, Ecopoetics, Field, and Hampden-Sydney Review. She is circulating a new collection of poems, How Many Rivers.
Books by Mary Crow:
Engravings Torn from Insomnia,
The high cost of living
I Have Tasted the Apple
Other poems on the web by Mary Crow:
"Don't Send Me a Reminder"
Two poems
Mary Crow's Home Page.
About Iron Horse Literary Review:
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Copyright © 2002-2008 Verse Daily
All Rights Reserved
Iron Horse Literary Review *
Texas Tech University *
Department of English *
Box 43091 *
Lubbock, TX 79409-3091
Poetry Editor: William Wenthe
February 25, 2008: "Anubis" by Alan Shapiro
September 19, 2007: "Elemental: Nitrogen" by Suzanne Heyd
May 18, 2007: "Autumn Again" by Michael Pettit
December 16, 2006: "Sky: An Inquiry" by Leslie Ullman
April 12, 2005: "Cardinal Virtue" by Nicky Beer
September 7, 2004: "Tantalus" by Robert B. Shaw
March 28, 2004: "Moving the Moon" by Deborah Bogen
September 22, 2003: "Aubade" by Richard Foerster
September 20, 2003: "Goodwill" by Elizabeth McLagan
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