Today's poem is "Hope, As The World Is A Scorpion Fish"
from Hope, As The World Is A Scorpion Fish
Liz Robbins
is the recipient of the First Coast Writers’ Poetry Award, judged by Robert Bly, and has been nominated for Best New Poets Prize as well as a Pushcart Prize. Her poems have appeared in literary journals such as The Chattahoochee Review, The National Poetry Review, Natural Bridge and Potomac Review. Robbins earned her doctorate at Georgia State University, and is Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing at Flagler College.
Books by Liz Robbins:
Hope, As the World is a Scorpion Fish
Other poems on the web by Liz Robbins:
"Lines Drawn for Bill Spicer"
About Hope, As The World Is A Scorpion Fish:
"Liz Robbins’s poems have what only the very best poems have: a sturdy toughness undergirding their tenderness. Though the body spins dervishlyalmost blindlyfor love and beauty, it must also accept the jolts of pain, of physical labor. As with the flowering pear trees in On the Verge of Spring, we are ever 'hopeful, / hopelesswith [their] smell of sweat / suggestive / of work and of fear.' There’s a refreshing honesty in these poems as well as a tremendous amount of skill with a sensuous, musical language. Each poem is a delight, something to savor."
"These poems explore with unflinching courage the human need for love and meaning. They are born out of that mysterious and painful tension between the hopeful heart and the world it must confront. This is a fine debut for a strong new voice."
"In her debut collection, Liz Robbins exhibits both versatility and formal dexterity. With poems that have the clarity of language one might find in Louise Glück, the edgy skepticism of Ruth Stone and the formal ease of Molly Peacock, Robbins’s work teases out and complicates our notions of what it is to be human. Poems like Portrait of Joe and Mosaic of Arshile Gorky startle with their power and arresting imagery; others, such as the villanelle Two Coins, articulate the profound wisdom of a seasoned mind. This book delights with its stunning metaphors ('the white skin of her throat / like cold air') and its cynical but hopeful explorations of love."
Nance Van Winckel
David Bottoms
Beth Gylys
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