Today's poem is
from Harvard Review
Laurie Blauner
's most recent poetry book is All This Could Be Yours (WordTech Communications, 2006) and her sixth, Wrong, is forthcoming. Her second novel is Infinite Kindness (Black Heron Press, 2007).
All the poems by Laurie Blauner that have appeared on Verse Daily:
Books by Laurie Blauner:
Infinite Kindness
Other poems on the web by Laurie Blauner:
Laurie Blauner's Home Page.
About Harvard Review:
January 14, 2007: "Laurie Blauner Running With Daisy, His Dog" " Running with his dog, Laurie Blauner sucks in..."
All This Could Be Yours
Facing the Facts
Self-Portrait With an Unwilling Landscape
Other Lives
Children of Gravity
"Prelude to Lying About My Ex-Husband"
Five poems
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Harvard Review *
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Cambridge, MA 02138
Poetry Editor: Major Jackson
July 28, 2008: "Captain America" by Matt Hart
January 9, 2008: "Canto of the Examination (24: Eighth Sphere)" by John Kinsella
January 7, 2008: "The Traffic" by Philip Schultz
July 12, 2007: "The Riddle of the Sphinx Moth" by Sarah Hannah
July 8, 2007: "Confessions of a Music Box" by Bruce Bond
February 11, 2007: "Children" by Steven Cramer
February 10, 2007: "In Muir Woods" by June Beisch
January 11, 2007: "On Divination by Birds" by Kimberly Johnson
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