
Today's poem is "The Idea is the Fleeting Ghostly Fish"

from Measure

Kate Light's previous collections are The Laws of Falling Bodies (Story Line, 1997) and Open Slowly (Zoo Press, 2003). Her poetry has appeared in The Paris Review, The Hudson Review, and The Penguin Book of the Sonnet. She is a professional violinist in New York City.

Other poems by Kate Light in Verse Daily:

Books by Kate Light: Gravity's Dream, Open Slowly, Open SlowlyThe Laws of Falling Bodies

Other poems on the web by Kate Light:
Twelve poems
Four poems
"You Must Accept"
Four poems
"Rules of Sleep"

Kate Light's Home Page.

Kate Light according to Wikipedia.

About Measure:
Poets in this issue: Dick Davis, Rhina Espaillat, Rachel Hadas, Seamus Heaney, Mark Jarman, Allison Joseph, A.M. Juster, X.J. Kennedy, Brad Leithauser, Kate Light, David Mason, Leslie Monsour, Jennifer Reeser, W.D. Snodgrass, A.E. Stallings, Maura Stanton, Timothy Steele, Deborah Warren, Richard Wilbur

Subscription: 1 year (1 issue), $10