Today's poem is
from Alehouse
Kate Evans
spent time living in Seattle and Japan before settling in San Jose, where she now teaches creative writing. Her books include Like All We Love.
Other poems by Kate Evans in Verse Daily:
Books by Kate Evans:
Like All We Love
Other poems on the web by Kate Evans:
Kate Evans's Home Page.
Kate Evans's Blog.
Kate Evans according to Wikipedia.
About Alehouse:,
Negotiating the Self: Identity, Sexuality, and Emotion in Learning to Teach
"Two Women on a Summer Morning"
"The Archies"
"Lamenting the Tempest"
"Above the Town"
Poets in this issue: Billy Collins, William Aarnes, Robert Abbate, Lavonne J Adams, Lea Assenmacher, FJ Bergman, Philip Brady, Patricia Budd, Robert W Crawford, Tom Daley, Kerre Davison, Erich Erving, Kate Evans, Michael Fisher, Lanette Fisher-Hertz, Jennifer Foerster, Jeff Friedman, Laverne Frith, Midge Goldberg, Kate Emily Harris, Maggie Hess, Margaret J Hoehn, John Hoppenthaler, Lynna Prue Howard, Tim Hunt, Christina Hutchins, Alice Jay, Courtney Jo, Regie O’Hare Gibson, Ingrid Keriotis, Kristin Kuczenski, Daniel Lusk, Amy Miller, Derek Mong, Berwyn Moore, Mimi Moriarty, Korkut Onaran, Candace Pearson, Inès Pujos, Jim Quixote, Andrea Reed, Ziggy Rendler-Bregman, Stephanie Sauer, Gregory K Shipman, Michael A Sickler, Tim Skeen, Cheryl Slobod, Matthew J Spireng, LJ Sysko, Marianne Taylor, Toni Van Deusen, Wendy Videlock, Julie Marie Wade, Charles Harper Webb, Tana Jean Welch, Patricia Jabbeh Wesley, Joel Clifton Yaney
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Alehouse *
PO Box 31655 *
San Francisco, CA 94131
Editor: Jay Rubin
March 4, 2007: "Xochi's Tale" by Maxine Kumin
March 3, 2007: "China" by Billy Collins
February 28, 2007: "Ode to a Heart Loser" by Stephen Dunn
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