Today's poem is "Natural Enemies"
from Conflicted Light
J. P. Dancing Bear is the author of Gacela of Narcissus City (Main Street Rag, 2006), Billy Last Crow (Turning Point, 2004) and What Language (Slipstream, 2002). His poems have been published in Shenandoah, Poetry International, New Orleans Review, National Poetry Review, Marlboro Review, Mississippi Review, Atlanta Review and many others. He is the editor of the American Poetry Journal and the host of “Out of Our Minds” a weekly poetry program on public radio station KKUP that features many of America’s best contemporary poets.Other poems by J. P. Dancing Bear in Verse Daily:
November 13, 2007: "Poem Starting with a Line by Jason Bredle" " According to Hercules, if we make an angel..."
July 26, 2007: "Gacela of Animal Theory" " Every time I explain Schrödinger's cat to the animal..."
July 16, 2006: "On Falling and Failing" " If Icarus were to speak, he'd kvetch..."
June 28, 2005: "West Nile" "The birds began to rust..."
April 27, 2005: "Iago, the Poet" ""First, let me say it is sickening, this syrupy public..."
February 14, 2005: "Sky of Sleep" "Sometimes she is a tree..."
August 19, 2004: "Gacela of Animal Wisdom" "Apollo, Apollo, when will you leave the animals alone?..."
August 8, 2003: "Island Myths" by "We were once two islands..."
June 14, 2003: "Persephone at the Farmer's Market" "Even now, I cannot lose the memory of scent...."
May 3, 2003: "Departing Phoenix" "I swallow bird songs that do not resurface..."
October 10, 2002: "The Lonelier Moon" "Armstrong has seen it / from its sister...."Books by J. P. Dancing Bear: Conflicted Light
, Gacela of Narcissus City
, Billy Last Crow
, What Language
, Blue Hand
Other poems on the web by J. P. Dancing Bear:
"Salvation Nation"
Five poems
Nine poems
"Sisyphus Has Time For One More Question"
"Gacela of a Wedding Day"
"Island Like a Heart"
"Dia de los Muertos"
Four poems
"Birthday Note"
"Gacela of Consumer Apathy"
"The Cannonball"
"Fish Tale"
Two poems
"Fertile Crescent"
"Every Dog is Two Dogs:"
"Gacela of the Heart of Darkness"
"Trepanning the Dust"
Four poems
"My Yeriho"J. P. Dancing Bear's Home Page.
About Conflicted Light:
"Dancing Bear’s Conflicted Light comes from a ‘scarred and nicked lyre,’ a voice nimble and anxious and loving that comforts us while we’re ‘waiting for a sign.’ An excellent collection."
—Terese Svoboda"Using myth, politics, nature, and art, J.P. Dancing Bear asks questions that can only be asked through poetry. These accomplished and various poems feature sure-handed lines and vivid images. J.P. Dancing Bear has an ear for “the inner tones of the world” and an eye that sees “aspens turning into an imitation of fire" and “bullfrog stars hunger[ing] for crickets.” Conflicted Light reveals the vitality of contemporary American verse."
—Natasha Saje
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