Today's poem is
"First Counter-clockwise Canto of the Möbius Strip"
from Poetry London
John Kinsella
's Shades of the Sublime and Beautiful is forthcoming from Picador. His Disclosed Poetics: Beyond the Landscape and Lyricism (Manchester UP) was published in 2007.
All the poems by John Kinsella that have appeared on Verse Daily:
For Books by John Kinsella click here
Other poems on the web by John Kinsella:
John Kinsella's Home Page.
John Kinsella according to Wikipedia.
About Poetry London:
March 11, 2008: "Canto of the Workshop" "As when they discover that the collective..."
January 9, 2008: "Canto of the Examination (24: Eighth Sphere)" "The huntsman lies low..."
Six poems
"And Everyone Gathered In Objection Yet Again"
Five poems
Two poems
Nine poems
Two poems
Poets in this issue: Eamon Grennan, Kathryn Maris, Michael Murphy, Bill Manhire, John Hartley Williams, Ellen Cranitch, Dawn Wood, Rhian Gallagher, Tim Liardet, Marianne Burton, Alison Brackenbury, Andrew Sant, Gerard Smyth, John Kinsella, Marie Etienne, Tony Roberts, Adam Wyeth, Gregory Leadbetter, Samantha Wynne-Rhydderch, Julian Stannard, Vona Groarke, Catherine Smith, Fred D’Aguiar
Subscription: 1yr (3 issues) £21.50
Other poems from Poetry London in Verse Daily:
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Poetry London * 1A Jewel Road * LONDON E17 4QU * UK
Poetry Editor: Maurice Riordan
January 27, 2008: "Last Look" by Todd Hearon
January 23, 2008: "On Betrayal" by Phillis Levin
July 15, 2007: "Trial Marriage" by D Nurkse
December 27, 2006: "Medium as Meteorologist" by Heather McHugh
September 25, 2006: "Cat Nap" by Asa Boxer
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