Today's poem is
"Canto of the Examination (24: Eighth Sphere)"
from Harvard Review
John Kinsella
's recent volumes of poetry include Peripheral Light: New and Selected Poems (W.W. Norton, 2003) and The New Arcadia (W.W. Norton, 2005). Shades of the Sublime and Beautiful and Purgatorio: Up Close will appear with W.W. Norton in spring 2008. His critical volume, Disclosed Poetics: Beyond Landscape and Lyricism, was recently published with Manchester University Press.
All the poems by John Kinsella that have appeared on Verse Daily:
For Books by John Kinsella click here
Other poems on the web by John Kinsella:
John Kinsella's Home Page.
John Kinsella according to Wikipedia.
About Harvard Review:.
Six poems
"And Everyone Gathered In Objection Yet Again"
Five poems
Two poems
Nine poems
Two poems
Poets in this issue: Denise Duhamel, Major Jackson, Ilya Kaminsky, Jessica Greenbaum, Jonathan Weinert, John Kinsella, Iain Britton, Laurie Rosenblatt, John Mateer, George Kalogeris, Sydney Lea, Keith Newton, John Matthias, Desmond Kon Zhicheng-Mingde, Philip Schultz
Subscription: One-year $16
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Harvard Review *
Lamont Library *
Harvard University *
Cambridge, MA 02138
Poetry Editor: Don Share
January 7, 2008: "The Traffic" by Philip Schultz
July 12, 2007: "The Riddle of the Sphinx Moth" by Sarah Hannah
July 8, 2007: "Confessions of a Music Box" by Bruce Bond
February 11, 2007: "Children" by Steven Cramer
February 10, 2007: "In Muir Woods" by June Beisch
January 11, 2007: "On Divination by Birds" by Kimberly Johnson
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