Today's poem is
"The Rhinoceros Graveyard"
from Poet Lore
James Doyle
's latest book is Bending Under the Yellow Police Tapes (Steal Toe Books, 2007). He has poems coming out in The Carolina Quarterly, Notre Dame Review, Passages North, Rattle, and Southern Poetry Review.
Other poems by James Doyle in Verse Daily:
October 4, 2007: "The Devil's in the Details" " The marsh creaks back and forth..."
July 25, 2007: "Marco Polo" " found the old gods again..."
June 10, 2007: "Looking Forward to the Twentieth Century" " Horses and carriages stir up the beach..."
March 21, 2007: "All That Glitters Is Gold" "Wine flask, beer cans..."
January 15, 2007: "Among the Most Recent Projectiles" " storming the sky is the earth...."
January 24, 2004: "After the Harvest" "We step over and between apples..."
September 4, 2003: "Luxembourg Gardens at Twilight" "If I lived in the nineteenth century..."
Books by James Doyle:
Einstein Considers a Sand Dune
Other poems on the web by James Doyle:
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Poet Lore * c/o Writer's Center * 4508 Walsh Street * Bethesda, MD 20815
Editors: Jody Bolz, E. Ethelbert Miller
January 3, 2006: "The Book of Lichens" by Hildred Crill
December 31, 2005: "Field" by K. E. Duffin
August 5, 2005: "Long Distance by Walter Griffin
August 3, 2005: "The Death of Cleone" Fleda Brown
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