
Today's poem is "The Possibilities for Wings"
from The Lengthening Radius For Hate

Cervená Barva

Gary Fincke is the Writers Institute Director at Susquehanna University. Winner of the 2003 Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction and the 2003 Ohio State University/The Journal Poetry Prize for recent collections of stories and poems, he has published nineteen books of poetry, short fiction, and nonfiction, most recently Standing Around the Heart (poems, Arkansas, 2005), Sorry I Worried You (stories, Georgia, 2004), and Amp'd: A Father's Backstage Pass, a nonfiction account of his son's life as a rock guitarist in the band Breaking Benjamin (Michigan State, 2004). Winner of the Bess Hokin Prize from Poetry Magazine, he has received a PEN Syndicated Fiction Prize, two Pushcart Prizes, and seven fellowships for creative writing from the Pennsylvania Council on the Arts. His poems, stories, and essays have appeared in such periodicals as Harper's, Newsday, The Paris Review, The Kenyon Review, The Georgia Review, American Scholar, and DoubleTake.

All the poems by Gary Fincke that have appeared on Verse Daily:
October 11, 2008:   "The Pause in the Plummet for Prayer" "They'd plunged thousands of feet, crash-certain, and now..."
March 29, 2005:  "Bird Elegy" ""In post-apocalypse stories, when more..."

For Books by Gary Fincke click here.

Other poems on the web by Gary Fincke:
Three poems
"The Weaknesses of the Mouth"
"Things that Fall from the Sky "
"The Sorrows"
Five poems
"The Universal Language"

Gary Fincke's Website.

Gary Fincke according to Wikipedia.

About The Lengthening Radius For Hate:

"While many poets have chronicled devastating loss, Gary Fincke’s newest collection may risk more in confronting grief’s most ubiquitous form—a sudden awakening to the decay of love. Too often, love is throwing ‘an impossible kite into the perfect sky’; it’s ‘trying to pass these plates off as real china.’ After the crash of the breakage we’re all left wondering what went thelenradforhat. Honest and emotive, Blauner draws on a deft sense of image and juxtaposition to examine each jagged shard, to trace each crack back to its unsettling source. This familiar experience brings with it new lessons in human fragility and perseverance. The Lengthening Radius For Hate is a collection with heart—being put back together."
—Timothy Green

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