Today's poem is
from Poetry London
Emma Jones
was born in 1977 in Sydney, Australia. Her first collection, The Striped World, will be published by Faber in February.
Books by Emma Jones:
The Striped World
About Poetry London:
Poets in this issue: Emma Jones, Fabio Morabíto, Les Murray, Andrew Motion, Judy Brown, Ruth Valentine, Julian Turner, Ben Wilkinson, AF Harrold, Susan Burns, Stephen Knight, Gillian Allnutt, Philip Gross, Helen Mort, Carola Luther, Rhian Edwards, Jack Underwood, Daljit Nagra, Godfrey Ackers, Sam Riviere, Patricia Hann, Kathleen Jamie
Subscription: 1yr (3 issues) £21.50
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Poetry London * 1A Jewel Road * LONDON E17 4QU * UK
Poetry Editor: Maurice Riordan
July 27, 2008: "Mermaid" by Moniza Alvi
April 11, 2008: "First Counter-clockwise Canto of the Möbius Strip" by John Kinsella
January 27, 2008: "Last Look" by Todd Hearon
January 23, 2008: "On Betrayal" by Phillis Levin
July 15, 2007: "Trial Marriage" by D Nurkse
December 27, 2006: "Medium as Meteorologist" by Heather McHugh
September 25, 2006: "Cat Nap" by Asa Boxer
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