Today's poem is "Bad Blood"
from Cities of Flesh and the Dead
Diann Blakely
's first collection, Hurricane Walk, was published in 1992 and cited as one of the year's ten best poetry books by the St. Louis Post-Dispatch; Farewell, My Lovelies, her second volume, appeared from Story Line Press in 2000. While still a work-in-progress, Cities of Flesh and the Dead won the Poetry Society of America's Alice Fay Di Castagnola Award. Blakely has also won two Pushcart Awards and appeared in Best American Poetry 2003. Having served as a poetry editor of Antioch Review for a dozen years, Blakely is the co-editor of Each Fugitive Moment, a collection of essays on the late Lynda Hull, and she continues to write for Village Voice Media and other publications. She lives south of Savannah with her husband, the author Stanley Booth.
Books by Diann Blakely:
Cities of Flesh and the Dead,
Farewell, My Lovelies
Hurricane Walk: Poems (New Poets of America Series)
Other poems on the web by Diann Blakely:
Ten poems
"23 Johnson Avenue, 1985"
About Cities of Flesh and the Dead:
"A new collection by Diann Blakely always promises entrance to a tragic, beautiful world. Combining controlled prosody and extravagant aesthetic, Blakely makes sonnets, dramatic monologues, and lyrics that, in rough iambic pentameter lines, render the gritty details of Southern girlhood. Attentive, careful, and self-reflexive, these poems create a palimpsest of the contemporary South, where the present is always complicated by the haunting voices of the past."
"An imaginer who hits the bull's-eye with every detail, intonation, and emotional twitch, Blakely's fullness of language quietly and firmly dazzles as she moves among epochs, personae and geographics. She is a master of evoking the bounties of loss while embracing the wayward joys of what is unaccountably found."
Sarah Kennedy
Baron Wormser
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