Today's poem is ""This is Funny""
from Famous Last Words
Catherine Pierce
grew up in Delaware and now lives in Starkville, Mississippi, where she is an assistant professor of creative writing at Mississippi State University. She is also the author of a chapbook, Animals of Habit (Kent State, 2004).
Other poems by Catherine Pierce in Verse Daily:
Books by Catherine Pierce:
Famous Last Words
Other poems on the web by Catherine Pierce:
Catherine Pierce's Blog.
About Famous Last Words:
"Catherine Pierce gets to the conundrum of language; we want to believe what it says and we don’t believe it. She understands our need to tell tall stories, to exaggerate and embellish, to become figures that we are not, but wish to be. Her empathy for the abject in us is always riddled with humor, self-mocking, sharp, and, at times, painful. Recognizing that words can be both a solace and an accuser, Pierce walks that tightrope with grace."
"With a marvelously open-hearted candor, Catherine Pierce troubles both the past and future the homelands of her lyric art — as much as she summons them into life. ‘Be kind to old photographs,’ one poem tells us, ‘but not overly kind.’ Where other poets are flip, she’s seriously playful; where other poets are timid, she’s determined to engage the particulars behind which experience hides. Even more remarkably, the poems in this collection somehow manage to sing the way their subjects think, and the tone of that voice enlightens everything it touches."
"Catherine Pierce has written an exhilarating book, one that rewards its lucky reader with intelligence and lyric grace and dance-hall, crushed corsage swing. A pure delight."
July 10, 2004: "Nor Hell a Fury" "I am the step that creaks...."
Animals of Habit
Three poems
Two poems
"Last Meal"
"Love Poem to Sinister Moments"
"I Go Back to Ohio"
John Yau
Sherod Santos
Lynne McMahon
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