Today's poem is "One Last Thought"
from Underwater Lengths in a Single Breath
Benjamin S. Grossberg
is Associate Professor of Literature and Creative Writing at Antioch College where he teaches poetry writing and English Renaissance literature. His poetry has appeared in many journals including Paris Review, North American Review, and Southwest Review. His work also appears in The Pushcart Book of Poetry: The Best Poems From the First 30 Years of the Pushcart Prize. A chapbook, The Auctioneer Bangs His Gavel, was published by Kent State in 2006. He has received grants from the Ohio Arts Council, Culture Works of Montgomery County, and the Cultural Arts Council of Houston and Harris County. He lives on a small farm north of Dayton.
Other poems by Benjamin S. Grossberg in Verse Daily:
Books by Benjamin S. Grossberg:
Underwater Lengths in a Single Breath
Other poems on the web by Benjamin S. Grossberg:
About Underwater Lengths in a Single Breath:
"Each title of Benjamin Grossberg's poems might well serve as the name for his entire book, from 'Conclusion of a Poem Begun by Marlowe' to 'From the Shore' and 'Renaissance Fair.' This attractive concurrence signifies that however various his inspirations, Grossberg's exhalations are always from the same lungs, the same brain, the same heart. His is a united sensibility, the kind we usually attribute to "The Time of Myths," as the poet calls it. This extraordinarily rich and entertaining first book is unique in my experience for its eager and outrageous connections with the masters who enjoyed such mythical thinkingShakespeare, Whitmanas well as for its daring departures from what those same masters, so lovingly ransacked, might ever have undertaken. Grossberg is learned though anything but knowing, playful but in dead earnest, urbane yet refreshingly pastoral. I rejoice that these poems are in the world of American letters."
Grossberg writes poems so well-fashioned they appear to have been wholly conceived. ('Artifice is our general burden,' quoth Amerigo Vespucci.) But radical too: in their erotic reveries, and with knowing sadness, the poems here take up classical matters anew and afresh. What a fine book, distinguished in these times for its historical reach and lyrical substance."
December 20, 2006: "Time and Place" " Because I seem unable to get a handle..."
October 13, 2006: "Stepping on the Dog" " The high squeal, the instant retraction..."
The Auctioneer Bangs His Gavel
"Like the Back of My Hand"
Richard Howard
Alan Michael Parker
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