Today's poem is "For Want of a Wife"
from 33 1/3: Soap Opera Sonnets
Barbara Schweitzer
is the winner of the Galway Kinnell Poetry Prize, the Mississippi Valley Poetry Prize, an individual artist fellowship from RI State Council on the Arts, and many other national awards. She lives in northern Rhode Island.
Books by Barbara Schweitzer:
33 1/3: Soap Opera Sonnets
Other poems on the web by Barbara Schweitzer:
2 poems
"The Aftermath of Fabian"
Two poems
About 33 1/3: Soap Opera Sonnets:
"Barbara Schweitzer’s 33 1/3 is a postmodern update of the Petrarchan sequence of love and loss sonnets. Consisting of 33 sets of three sonnets, the book writes the sonnet and writes it slant, with rhyme and meter that fit the form like a loose pair of jeans. There is a certain delight in disorder here that gives the sonnet room to breathe, and that matches the casual diction, the hilarious puns, and the wise-cracking attitude. This is the sonnet made new, the sonnet sweating to exercise fads and then eating Fig Newtons while driving its SUV to go shopping in the strip mall. It is the American sonnet. Read it."
"Barbara Schweitzer takes a mound of pistachio ice cream, a Caribbean blowfish, an evil hairdresser, and six thousand other unlikely ingredients and creates a casserole that tastes as tangy and weird as our lives. You might want to check to see that your socks are fastened securely at the tops, so they won’t roll up and down as you read these funny hot true poems."
Tony Barnstone
Tom Chandler
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