Today's poem is
from The Literary Review
Ann Snodgrass
’s recent work has appeared in The Harvard Review, American Letters & Commentary, Ploughshares, and TriQuarterly, among others. Her chapbook, No Description of the World, was published last year by Finishing Line Press. She lives in Cambridge and teaches at M.I.T.
Books by Ann Snodgrass:
No Discription of the World,
The Hippopotamus
Knowing Noise
Other poems on the web by Ann Snodgrass:
Two poems
About The Literary Review:
Writers in this issue: Michael Anania, Maria Teresa Andruetto translated by Peter Robertson, Doug Arnold, Chris Arthur, Renée Ashley, Madeleine Beckman, Hugh Behm-Steinberg, Nina Berberova translated by J. Kates, Rosa Alice Branco, Duff Brenna, Erik Campbell, Catherine Doty, Irvin Faust, Gary Fincke, Nikos Fokas translated by Don Schofield, Andrew Gallagher, Peter J. Grieco, Thomas Halloran, Lois Marie Harrod, K.A. Hays, MC Hyland, Tyrone Jaeger, Gerry LaFemina, Peter LaSalle, Elinor Mattern, Nicole Melanson, Elisabeth Murawski, Michele Newcomb, D. Nurkse, Benjamin Paloff, Aimee Parkison, Umberto Piersanti translated by M.F. Rusnak, Daniel Polikoff, Nancy Priff, Doug Ramspeck, Rainer Maria Rilke, Tomaz Salamun translated by Phillis Levin, Paul Schlueter, Ann Snodgrass, Katherine Soniat, Alfonsina Storni translated by Orlando Ricardo Menes, Samuel Saint Thomas, Susan Thomas, César Vallejo Mendoza translated by Margaret Sayers Peden, Laura van den Berg, Tom Whalen, Jonah Winter, Paul-Victor Winters, Charles Wyatt
Subscription: 1 year (3 issues), $18
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The Literary Review * 285 Madison Avenue * Madison, NJ 07940
Editor-in-Chief: Rene Steinke
October 19, 2007: "Lywelwyn's Dog" by Peter E. Murphy
October 16, 2007: "The Night in Question" by Paul Lisicky
April 4, 2007: "Climograph" by James Grinwis
April 1, 2007: "So You Want to Be a Teaching Assistant in English" by Jeff Worley
March 31, 2007: "In 1986 My Uncle Jack Sits On His Front Porch" by William Delman
May 25, 2006: "Fairy Tale" by Kathleen McGookey
May 22, 2006: "=" by Lightsey Darst
March 19, 2006: "Unveiling" by Diane Mehta
March 17, 2006: "but the house sparrows are . . ." by Jon Woodward
October 7, 2005: "When Will We Begin?" by Eric Elshtain
October 3, 2005: "Refugee" Richard Hoffman
May 27, 2005: "The Gazing-Globe Garden" Jeanne Larsen
May 24, 2005: "Music Left by Another" George Looney
May 22, 2005: "Dishonest Elegy for a Sentimental Mood" Melissa Koosmann
May 20, 2005: "Pas De L'Incise" D. Nurske
January 27, 2005: "What Goes On" by Scott Topper
January 26, 2005: "We Golems" by Michael Demos
December 9, 2004: "Seeing Through Things" by Diane Mehta
December 8, 2004: "Oh Yes Tomorrow Expect the Ordinary" by Renée Ashley
December 7, 2004: "Fleur de Lys" by Daniel Mark Epstein
December 6, 2004: "Animals at My House" by Eduardo Chirinos, translated by G. J. Racz
October 9, 2004: "Prose Poems" by Louise Ho
May 19, 2004: "There Must be Music or Fear" by Rodney Wittner
May 18, 2004: "Pythia: The Process" by Rita Signorelli-Pappas
February 4, 2004: "Insomnia" by Rick Mulkey
May 28, 2003: "The Garden" by David Daniel
January 17, 2003: "The Shelter in Children's Stories" by Stephen Frech
December 29, 2002: "Quo Journal: Just as They Come" by Michael Morse
July 28, 2002: "The Heron" by Kathleen Jamie
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