Anne Shaw
earned her B.A. from Yale University and her M.F.A. degree in creative writing from George Mason University. Her poems have appeared in a number of journals, including New American Writing, Hayden's Ferry Review, and Phoebe. She lives in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Books by Anne Shaw:
About Undertow:
"Undertow is an exploration, in the key of doubt, of all that moves below the surface of a cosmos riddled with light. We are first invited into a closely perceived natural world, pruned back but always recovering its mysteries, and then we are Captured by Shaw's magnificent `Discoverie of Witchcraft,' before we are swept into the tsunami's aftermath in Thailand, she of her very particular departure into the unknown. She is brilliantly exact. noticing the way a greenbottle fly'/ alights on a grain of rice. Such exactitude is rare, as is this poems synthesizing vision."
"The poems in Undertowluminous, clairvoyant, and radiantare spun as if from the finest silk, the threads almost invisible, their tensile strength unimaginably, strong. Few debuts are as candid and uncanny, generous and fierce, or elaborate and distilled as Anne Shaw's first book is."
Carolyn Forché
Eric Pankey
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