Today's poem is
"My Lives"
from New Madrid
Al Maginnes
's most recent collections are Ghost Alphabet, which won the 2008 White Pine Poetry Prize and will be published by White Pine Press in fall of 2008, Dry Glass Blues, a single long poem published as a chapbook by Pudding House Press in 2007, and Film History (Word Tech Editions 2005). He has poems appearing or forthcoming in Tar River Review, Southern Poetry Review, American Literary Review, Terminus, Green Mountains Review, Cave Wall, and Grist. He lives in Raleigh, NC and teaches at Wake Technical Community College.
Other poems by Al Maginnes in Verse Daily:
Books by Al Maginnes:
Ghost Alphabet
Other poems on the web by Al Maginnes:
Al Maginnes's Blog.
About New Madrid:
November 13, 2005: "Toolshed" " Given enough space, each man believes..."
Film History
The Light in Our Houses
Taking Up Our Daily Tools
Outside a Tattoo Booth
"What Goes Unsaid"
Two poems
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Copyright © 2002-2008 Verse Daily
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New Madrid * Department of English and Philosophy * Murray State University * 7C Faculty Hall * Murray KY 42071-3341
Editor: Ann Neelon * Guest Editor: Nicky Beer
Other poems by New Madrid in Verse Daily:
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