Today's poem is "Skin On Skin Off Skin On Skin Off"
from Hallelujah Blackout
Alex Lemon
's first collection, Mosquito, which documents his slow recovery from brain surgery as a young man, was hailed by Publishers Weekly as an “edgy, energetic, even frenetic debut from a rising star of the Midwest.” Lemon’s poems have appeared in AGNI, Black Warrior Review, Bomb, Denver Quarterly, Gulf Coast, Pleiades, and Tin House. Among his awards are a 2005 Literature Fellowship in Poetry from the National Endowment for the Arts and a 2006 Minnesota Arts Board Grant. He is the co-editor of LUNA: A Journal of Poetry and Translation and is a frequent contributor to The Bloomsbury Review. He lives in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Other poems by Alex Lemon in Verse Daily:
Books by Alex Lemon:
Hallelujah Blackout
Other poems on the web by Alex Lemon:
Alex Lemon's Home Page.
Alex Lemon's Blog.
Alex Lemon according to Wikipedia.
About Hallelujah Blackout:
"A Chaplinesque vaudeville, both mirthful and moving; a pure-gospel shout to the vaulted heavens; a hatful of abracadabras with a wink and a smile: Hallelujah Blackout is a muscular, vibrant book. Painful without being pitying (‘I have little time to let mere ailments worry me’), inventive without being showy, this is an astonishing, masterful collection of poems."
"The only thing more remarkable than Lemon's linguistic muscle is the blood singing up from his gut."
"Alex Lemon is an unstoppable phenom. He gets so much into a poem: so much world, such rich human voice, and he gets so terrifyingly close to both the self and the overwhelming Everything Else. He does this while making us look at the smallest, loveliest, worst, or plainest details at the oddest moments. Readers experience the wearing of shirts and the eating of apples and beans; a split second later we're by turns divine, genius, ravaging, and prayerful. Then we're hurt again. Then we're in love. It's as if we have been granted extra lives. Lemon's art is transformative, staggering, and in the end, compassionate. He's one of us, letting us know: we're in trouble but we're okay."
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