Today's poem is
"Elemental: Nitrogen"
from Iron Horse Literary Review
Suzanne Heyd
's work appears in recent and forthcoming issues of Third Coast, jubilat, Open City, Sonora Review, New Orleans Review, Gulf Stream, Puerto del Sol, Washington Square, and elsewhere. She is a freelance writer and the director of the literary arts program at Art & Literature Laboratory in New Haven, Connecticut. Her work has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize.
All the poems by Suzanne Heyd that have appeared on Verse Daily:
Other poems on the web by Suzanne Heyd:
June 17, 2006: "Toward" " edge only..."
July 23, 2005: "Elemental: Nitrogen" "Four-fifths of every breath..."
"Convincing Him to Hold My Throat"
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Iron Horse Literary Review *
Texas Tech University *
Department of English *
Box 43091 *
Lubbock, TX 79409-3091
Poetry Editor: William Wenthe
May 18, 2007: "Autumn Again" by Michael Pettit
December 16, 2006: "Sky: An Inquiry" by Leslie Ullman
April 12, 2005: "Cardinal Virtue" by Nicky Beer
September 7, 2004: "Tantalus" by Robert B. Shaw
March 28, 2004: "Moving the Moon" by Deborah Bogen
September 22, 2003: "Aubade" by Richard Foerster
September 20, 2003: "Goodwill" by Elizabeth McLagan
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