Today's poem is
from the Southern Review
Sarah Hannah
's first book, Longing Distance (Tupelo Press, 2004), was a semi-finalist for the Yale Younger Poets Prize and was nominated for the Norma Farber Award, The Kate Tufts Discover Award, two Pushcart Prizes, and the Forward Prize. Her second book, Inflorescence, is forthcoming from Tupelo Press in Fall 2007. Sarah Hannah taught at Emerson College until her recent passing.
All the poems by Sarah Hannah that have appeared on Verse Daily:
Books by Sarah Hannah:
Other poems on the web by Sarah Hannah:
About the Southern Review:
August 2, 2007: "Haruspicy" " In good old Greece, to read futures in entrails..."
July 12, 2007: "The Riddle of the Sphinx Moth" " An enormous body kamikaze-dives..."
October 16, 2006: "At Last, Fire Seen As a Psychotic Break" " It begins in the crux of beam and insulation..."
October 6, 2004: "Destroying Angel (Amanita virosa)" "I'm way in, way in you, Mushroom..."
April 29, 2003: "For the Fog Horn When There Is No Fog" "Still sounding in full sun past the jetty..."
Longing Distance
Three poems
Poets in this issue: Gavin Adair, Ralph Angel, Geoffrey Bankowski, Lisa Bower, Ralph Burns, Cathleen Calbert, Mark Cox, Mahmoud Darwish, Chard deNiord, Jesse Dwyer, Robert Farnsworth, Jason Guriel, Mark Halliday, Sarah Hannah, William Heyen, John Kinsella, Heather Kirn, Maxine Kumin, John Lundberg, Clint McCown, Joan Murray, Steve Myers, Alison Pelegrin, Lee Ann Roripaugh, J. Allyn Rosser, Mary Ruefle, R. M. Ryan, Jorge Sánchez, Philip Schultz, Kevin Stein, John Struloeff, Pia Taavila, Jeanne Murray Walker, Rachel Webster
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $10
Other poems from the Southern Review in Verse Daily:
Subscription: 1 year (2 issues), $15
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the Southern Review * MFA Writing Program * Department of English * 134 McIver Building, UNCG * PO Box 26170 * Greensboro, NC 27402-6170
Poetry Editor: Allison Seay
The Southern Review * Louisiana State University * Old President's House * Baton Rouge, LA 70803-0001
Editor: Bret Lott
June 6, 2007: "Not Mattering to the Earth" by Colette Inez
June 5, 2007: "Something in My Eye" by Allison Smythe
February 9, 2007: "Mysterious Ways" by Alison Pelegrin
September 15, 2006: "God of The" by Garrett Doherty
September 14, 2006: "One Morning a Rose Blooms" by Richard Tillinghast
September 13, 2006: "Aubade" by Rhoda Janzen
June 22, 2006: "Trouble." by Melissa Stein
June 19, 2006: "Love of Sport" by Bob Hicok
January 19, 2006: "Key to Pronunciation: /sälm/" by Rita Mae Reese
January 17, 2006: "Leaving the Land" by Stephen C. Behrendt
January 16, 2006: "The Clown's Mother" by Brent Pallas
November 25, 2004: "Founder's day" by Bob Hicok
November 24, 2004: "In Thrush Light" by Gyorgyi Voros
November 23, 2004: "To Acedia" by Daniel Tobin
November 22, 2004: "Close Quarters" by Cathryn Essinger
September 25, 2004: "Dry Brush Painting of Winter Crows" by Barry Sternlieb
September 23, 2004: "James McNeill Whistler at St. Ives, 1883" by Floyd Skloot
September 22, 2004: "Keep and Give Away" by Susan Meyers
September 21, 2004: "The Wife of Job" by Morri Creech
September 20, 2004: "Indian River Inlet" by Fleda Brown
March 10, 2004: "See! I Will Not Forget You. I Have Carved You on the Palm of My Hand." by Thomas Reiter
March 9, 2004: "Mary Rockwell Talks to Her Son in the Hospital after He's Been Stabbed During a Fencing Lesson" by Julianna Baggott
August 20, 2003: "Water Rising" by Fleda Brown
August 19, 2003: "Neither the Season, nor the Place" by Susan Meyers
August 18, 2003: "Revival" by Lynn Powell
June 7, 2003: "The Reliquary" by Ann Townsend
June 5, 2003: "Hieronymus and the Lion" by Maurya Simon
June 3, 2003: "Pink Salmon" by Cecily Parks
May 1, 2003: "Heron" by John Drury
April 29, 2003: "For the Fog Horn When There Is No Fog" by Sarah Hannah
December 30, 2002: "Brains" by Rodney Jones
December 16, 2002: Heaven by Natasha Saje
September 9, 2002: "My Emotions Are Like Fish" by John Brehm
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