Today's poem is
"The Riddle of the Sphinx Moth"
from Harvard Review
Sarah Hannah's first book, Longing Distance (Tupelo Press, 2004), was a semi-finalist for the Yale Younger Poets Prize and was nominated for the Norma Farber Award, The Kate Tufts Discover Award, two Pushcart Prizes, and the Forward Prize. Her second book, Inflorescence, is forthcoming from Tupelo Press in Fall 2007. Sarah Hannah taught at Emerson College until her recent passing.All the poems by Sarah Hannah that have appeared on Verse Daily:
October 16, 2006: "At Last, Fire Seen As a Psychotic Break" " It begins in the crux of beam and insulation..."
October 6, 2004: "Destroying Angel (Amanita virosa)" "I'm way in, way in you, Mushroom..."
April 29, 2003: "For the Fog Horn When There Is No Fog" "Still sounding in full sun past the jetty..."Books by Sarah Hannah: Longing Distance
Other poems on the web by Sarah Hannah:
Three poems
"Alembic"About Harvard Review:
Poets in this issue: James Hoggard, Bruce Bond, Kathryn Starbuck, Yiorgos Chouliaras, Maria Koundoura, Meena Alexander, Alexey Shelvakh, J. Kates, Sarah Hannah, John Canaday, Eva Hooker, Ray Dipalma, Shiaw-Tian Liaw, James Norcliffe, James Mccorkle, William Doreski, Peter Jay Shippy, Dan Stryk, Kathleen Rooney, Dan Sklar
Subscription: One-year $16
Harvard Review *
Lamont Library *
Harvard University *
Cambridge, MA 02138
Poetry Editor: Don Share
Other poems by Harvard Review in Verse Daily:
July 8, 2007: "Confessions of a Music Box" by Bruce Bond
February 11, 2007: "Children" by Steven Cramer
February 10, 2007: "In Muir Woods" by June Beisch
January 11, 2007: "On Divination by Birds" by Kimberly Johnson
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